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围绕农户主体,引入心理契约作为中介变量,探讨多元互动对农户参与农产品区域品牌共建意愿的影响机理.以湖北省张港镇、孝昌县及武汉市五个"一村一品"重点建设村落的355户农户为研究对象,采用验证性因子分析、层级回归等方法实证分析多元互动对农户参与农产品区域品牌共建意愿的影响.结果表明:多元互动对农户参与农产品区域品牌共建意愿具有显著的正向影响;心理契约在多元互动和农户参与农产品区域品牌共建意愿之间起中介作用.该研究结论对调动农户积极性、推动农产品区域品牌建设具有重要的启示和借鉴意义.  相似文献   
文章的特色和理论意义在于,尝试量化"一带一路"沿线18个省份"一带一路"相关政策文件,以设计政策效力、政策措施与政策保障的评判要点为基础,确定政策措施强度和政策保障强度.细致讨论"一带一路"文件的政策强度与经济开放度提升之间的关系,并讨论该关系在东西部地区的差异以及政策保障强度在政策措施强度与经济开放度关系之中的调节效应.研究发现:政策措施强度能够正向促进省域经济开放度的提升;在经济开放度高于10%的省份中,政策保障强度正向调节政策措施强度与经济开放度提升之间的关系,政策措施强度和政策保障强度之间存在互补关系;政策措施强度中资金融通强度对于沿线省域经济开放度的提升有着最显著的正向影响,政策沟通强度对于沿线省域经济开放度的提升影响不显著;政策措施强度对省域经济开放度的提升存在地区差别,西部地区更注重"一带一路"倡议所带来的机会.建议:"一带一路"沿线省份在政策设计上,不仅要对政策沟通、设施联通、贸易畅通、资金融通和民心相通等内容作出合理规划和布局,还应对保障机制作出可操作性的安排.  相似文献   
随着劳动力价格上涨,制造业企业人口红利逐渐消失,以互联网、人工智能提升改造传统产业的同时,推动“技术红利”替代“人口红利”,成为制造业企业优化升级的必然选择。技术创新在促进经济发展的同时是否加剧了技能短缺?考察技术创新对技能短缺的影响作用,结果表明:技术创新对企业技能短缺产生了显著的正效应,研发支出增加了对技能劳动力的需求,并且伴随企业规模扩大、技能劳动力比例上升,技能短缺程度加剧。同时,技术创新对技能短缺在区域和产业上存在显著异质性。在超大城市中,技术创新对技能短缺的拉动作用更为显著。在中小城市,技术进步效应并不显著;而技术创新对制造业技能缺口的影响效应也显著强于服务业,进一步验证了技术创新水平的快速提升使现有技能水平无法与之相匹配,加剧了企业技能结构性短缺。  相似文献   
非排他性是公众环境权的核心特性。为适应环境权理论的纵深化发展,除了从外部视角审视环境权的属性、内容、定位等特征之外,应当从内部结构对环境权本质特性予以剖析。生态环境具有公共物品属性,导致生态环境治理受到外部性理论与搭便车效应的制约。由于生态环境具有公众共用性,既有的环境权利理论应当接受非排他性与非竞争性两大特征的改造。公众环境权的非排他性体现在主体的不特定性、客体的非拥挤性和内容的共享性等方面。将公众环境权理解为公众对作为公众共用物的生态环境享有的非排他性权利,意味着可从保障权利主体的非排他性与客体的非拥挤性两个面向来实现对公众环境权的保护。  相似文献   
最近教育部把"国际语言服务"定位为外国语言文学二级学科,相关院校从2022年开始招生,而对国际语言服务的学科属性、学科定位和课程体系尚在探讨中。我们认为国际语言服务具有跨语言的属性兼有跨学科性质。跨语言中的基础学科,不是语言;外语在这里只是一门工具,不是学科。只有把专门用途语言学定为自己的基础学科,去研究所服务的学科或领域的知识是如何用国际语言构建和传播的,才是真正的学科交叉。根据专门用途语言学理论,国际语言服务是一个宽泛的大类,具体开展研究,如具体招生就必须分专业或方向,如商务语言服务、法律语言服务、医学语言服务等,因为语言服务除了语言能力,必须有相关学科的专业知识和相关的专门表达,而2—3年的研究生学习无法做到样样通,无法胜任所有领域里的语言服务。  相似文献   
随着长三角区域、亚洲区域市场一体化加快推进,上海国际贸易中心建设可充分利用长三角区域枢纽区位优势,从提升总部功能发力,从点上政策突破到面上统筹,对外汇、人才、贸易便利化、数据跨境流动进行系统安排,集聚跨国公司总部;从结算、采购、营销、物流、分拨等功能层面进行分类施策,推动贸易主体营运功能衍生;发挥金融、保险、咨询等专业服务优势,使上海成为长三角区域、国内企业国际营销网络的开拓通道.  相似文献   
The right to the city is a concept that helps rethink spatial–social dynamics, which has recently reinvigorated the field of organization studies. Following Lefebvre and considering the failure of both the market and the state, other scholars pinpoint the need to rethink social–spatial and geographical–historical relations. They do so by theorizing the city as a host for urban commons. Collective and non-commodified, these spatial–social experiences need to be constantly reproduced and preserved through commoning practices in the struggle against spatial injustice. A case study shows that a civil society organization (CSO) uses participatory art to (re)produce urban commons at the level of a local community and to redress partially spatial injustice. We theorize participatory art-making as a social practice of commoning, i.e., a process of organizing for the commons—collective art-based activities to serve a community—and of the common—to (re)produce a community while performing them. Such commoning practices are not only about sharing urban resources but also about using and experiencing differently urban spaces. By making participatory artworks in public spaces and co-designing street furniture with residents of poor areas, TDA helps to better cope with the tensions between residents and local authorities and between amateurs and professional artists. By negotiating the long-term implementation of these creative artworks in the public space with public authorities, TDA has fostered the empowerment of inhabitants as they have experienced citizens’ reappropriation of some public spaces in Marseille.  相似文献   
This article presents findings on immigrant entrepreneurship in Australia. The relationship between the entrepreneurial start‐up motivation, co‐ethnic preferences and entrepreneurial capabilities of established immigrant businesses are explored. We analyse data collected with a self‐administered survey questionnaire from 157 immigrant entrepreneurs in Melbourne's suburbs. Our findings show that immigrant entrepreneurs who report a high level of individual achievement as their start‐up motivation also report high levels of entrepreneurial capabilities in terms of opportunity recognition, managerial innovativeness and proactiveness. Immigrant entrepreneurs who are highly influenced by co‐ethnic preferences on staff employment and customer targeting report higher opportunity recognition than those who have a co‐ethnic preference on suppliers. We provide important insights and explanations for these findings and their implications for Australian immigrant entrepreneurs and policymakers.  相似文献   
The information technology (IT) revolution coincided with the transformation of the U.S. unsecured credit market. Households' borrowing increased rapidly and there was an even faster increase in bankruptcy filings. A risk of default model with asymmetric information and costly screening is introduced to study this period. When information costs are high, the design of contracts under private information prevents some households from borrowing with a risk of default. As information costs drop, households borrow more and bankruptcy filings increase. Quantitative exercises suggest that the IT revolution may have played an important role in the transformation of the unsecured credit market. (JEL E43, E44, G33)  相似文献   
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